%%: 意味、定義と翻訳


figuranとは何ですか? figuranlistedです


  • tr. Disponer, delinear y formar la figura de una cosa: esas nubes figuran una cara.

    tr. Arrange, outline and form the figure of one thing: those clouds are a face.

  • Aparentar, suponer, fingir: figuró que no le había visto.

    Appear, assume, fake: figured that he had not seen him.

  • intr. Formar parte de algo, estar en un lugar o circunstancia: figuraba entre los asistentes al acto.

    Intr. Be part of something, to be in a place or circumstance: was among the attendees at the event.

  • Destacar: figura como productor.

    Note: it is listed as producer.

  • prnl. Imaginarse o suponer uno algo que no conoce: me figuré que no vendrías.

    prnl. Imagine or suppose something you do not know: I figured that you would not come.

