fieles-faithful: meaning, definitions and translations

Spanish dictionarySpanishEnglish

What is fieles? fieles is faithful

What is faithful?

  • adj. Que cumple sus compromisos: amigo fiel.

    adj. That it complies with its commitments: faithful friend.

  • Exacto, conforme a la verdad: relato fiel a los hechos.

    Exactly, according to the truth: a story faithful to the facts.

  • Que presenta las condiciones y circunstancias que exige el uso al que se destina: frenos fieles.

    That presents the conditions and circumstances required by the use to which it is intended: faithful brakes.

  • com. Creyente, miembro de una iglesia: los fieles acudieron al templo.

    COM. Believer, member of a church: the faithful came to the temple.

  • m. Aguja de una balanza.

    m. Needle of a balance.

  • Clavillo que asegura las hojas de las tijeras: se ha partido el fiel de las tijeras de podar.♦ sup. irreg.: fidelísimo.

    Clavillo that secures the leaves of the scissors: the faithful of the pruning scissors has been broken.♦ sup. irreg.: very faithful.

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