exonerada-exonerated: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is exonerada?exonerada is exonerated

What is exonerated?

  • tr. y prnl. Aliviar, descargar de peso, carga u obligación: le exoneraron de presentarse al examen.
    Tr. and prnl. Relieve, unload weight, burden or obligation: you were exonerated from taking the exam.
  • Separar, privar o destituir a alguien de un empleo: la secretaria del director ha sido exonerada esta mañana.
    Separating, depriving or removing someone from a job: the director's secretary was exonerated this morning.
  • exonerar el vientre loc. Expulsar los excrementos: los laxantes ayudan a exonerar el vientre.
    exonerate the belly loc. Expel excrement: Laxatives help exonerate the belly.