entendéis-understand: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


entendéis คืออะไรentendéis แปลว่า understand

understand คืออะไร

  • tr. Comprender, captar el sentido de algo: entiende inglés y francés.
    Tr. Understand, grasp the meaning of something: understand English and French.
  • Conocer, penetrar: no entiendo sus motivos.
    To know, to penetrate: I do not understand your motives.
  • Conocer el ánimo o la intención de alguien: entiendo que tengas que irte.
    Knowing someone's mood or intention: I understand that you have to leave.
  • Discurrir, inferir, deducir: de todo ello entiendo que no lo apruebas.
    To discuss, to infer, to deduce: from all this I understand that you do not approve of it.
  • Tener intención o mostrar voluntad de hacer una cosa.
    Have intent or show willingness to do one thing.
  • Creer, pensar, juzgar: yo entiendo que este problema se puede solucionar con un poco de calma.
    Believe, think, judge: I understand that this problem can be solved with a little calm.
  • intr. col. Ser homosexual: por aquí suele venir gente que entiende.
    intr. col. Being gay: people who understand usually come here.
  • Seguido de la prep. de, ser experto en alguna materia: entiende de informática. También tr.
    Followed by the prep. of, be an expert in some subject: understands computer science. Also tr.
  • Seguido de la prep. en, ocuparse de algo: este tribunal no entiende en este caso.
    Followed by the prep. in, deal with something: this court does not understand in this case.
  • prnl. Conocerse, comprenderse a sí mismo: tranquilo, yo me entiendo.
    prnl. To know oneself, to understand oneself: calm down, I understand myself.
  • Mantener relaciones amorosas dos personas: creo que esos dos se entienden.
    Having loving relationships two people: I think those two understand each other.
  • Llevarse bien dos o más personas: me gusta cómo os entendéis en el grupo.
    Getting along with two or more people: I like how you understand each other in the group.
  • Ponerse de acuerdo: al final consiguieron entenderse en el precio.
    Agree: in the end they managed to understand each other on the price.
  • a mi, tu, etc. entender loc. adv. Según la opinión o modo de pensar de quien se indica: a nuestro entender estás equivocado.
    to me, you, etc. understand loc. adv. According to the opinion or way of thinking of the person who indicates: in our opinion you are wrong.
  • dar a entender loc. Insinuar, sugerir: su risita daba a entender que no se creía ni una palabra.
    imply loc. Insinuate, suggest: his giggle implied that not a word was believed.
  • entenderse con algo loc. Saber utilizarlo o darle un fin: no soy capaz de entenderme con el dichoso vídeo.
    to understand with something loc. Knowing how to use it or give it an end: I am not able to understand myself with the blissful video.
  • entenderse con alguien loc. Tratar algún asunto con él: nosotros os dejamos a solas y tú verás cómo te entiendes con él.
    understanding with someone loc. Discuss some matter with him: we leave you alone and you will see how you understand yourself with him.
  • entendérselas loc. Saber controlar una situación: si deseas marcharte, vete de una vez y allá te las entiendas.♦ Irreg. Véase conj. modelo.
    understand them loc. Know how to control a situation: if you want to leave, go at once and there you understand them.♦ Irreg. See conj. model.