comida-food: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is comida? comida is food

What is food?

  • f. Conjunto de cosas que se comen: preparar la comida.

    f set of things that eat: food preparation.

  • Alimento que se toma a mediodía o a primeras horas de la tarde: la comida se sirve a las tres.

    Food taken at noon or in the early hours of the evening: the food is served at three.

  • Acción de comer a determinadas horas del día: hago una comida fuerte y dos más ligeras.

    Action of eating at certain times of the day: do a strong food and two lighter.

  • Reunión en la que se come, especialmente para celebrar algo: cuando se jubiló le organizamos una comida de homenaje.

    Meeting in which is eaten, especially to celebrate something: when retired him organize a tribute lunch.

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