causas-causes: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is causas?causas is causes

What is causes?

  • f. Motivo, fundamento u origen: la causa de la disputa fue un ajuste de cuentas.
    f reason, basis or origin: the cause of the dispute was a settling of scores.
  • Razón para obrar: tendrás una buena causa para marcharte.
    Reason for action: you have a good cause to leave.
  • Empresa o ideal: causa misionera.
    Company or ideal: missionary causes.
  • Litigio, pleito judicial: la causa se resolvió a mi favor.
    Litigation, judicial lawsuit: the case was resolved in my favor.
  • a causa de loc. prep. Por un motivo concreto: murió a causa de un paro cardiaco.
    because of loc. Prep. For a specific reason: died of a heart attack.
  • hacer causa común con alguien loc. Unirse con una persona para lograr conjuntamente un fin que interesa a ambas partes.
    making common cause with someone loc. Join a person to achieve a purpose which is in the interests of both parties together.
  • f. amer. Puré de patata que se come frío aderezado con lechuga, queso fresco, aceitunas, choclo y ají.
    f amer. Mashed potatoes that is eaten cold topped with lettuce, cheese, olives, corn and chili.
  • tr. Motivar, originar o producir algo: las obras de mi barrio están causando muchas molestias.
    tr. Motivate, originate or produce something: the works in my neighborhood are causing many hassles.