atrevido-bold: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is atrevido? atrevido is bold

What is bold?

  • adj. Osado: es una atrevida aventurera. También s.

    Adj. Daring: she's a daring adventurer. It's also s.

  • Hecho o dicho con atrevimiento: la verdad es que el piropo era un tanto atrevido.

    Boldly said or done: the truth is that the pyropo was somewhat daring.

  • prnl. Determinarse a hacer o decir algo que implica un riesgo, osar: no me atrevo a pedirte otro favor.

    prnl. Determining to do or say something that involves a risk, dare not: I dare not ask you another favor.

  • Insolentarse, perder el respeto debido: ¿cómo te atreves a marcharte sin mi permiso?

    Insolent, to lose due respect: how dare you leave without my permission?

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