almidón-starch: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is almidón? almidón is starch

What is starch?

  • m. Molécula natural formada por polisacáridos, de color blanco y aspecto granuloso, que se almacena como material de reserva en los tubérculos, raíces y semillas de ciertas plantas, especialmente en los cereales: la patata, el trigo o el arroz contienen mucho almidón.

    m. Natural molecule formed by polysaccharides, white and grainy appearance, which is stored as a reserve material in the tubers, roots and seeds of certain plants, especially in cereals: potato, wheat or rice contain a lot of starch.

  • Compuesto químico líquido que se aplica a los tejidos para darles mayor rigidez: el almidón se usa para dar apresto a la ropa blanca.

    Liquid chemical compound that is applied to fabrics to give them greater rigidity: starch is used to give apressant to white clothing.

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