aconsejar-advise: meaning, definitions and translations

Spanish dictionarySpanishEnglish

What is aconsejar? aconsejar is advise

What is advise?

  • tr. Dar un consejo: te aconsejo que vuelvas con él.

    tr. Give advice: advise that you return with him.

  • Indicar, sugerir algo a alguien: la Dirección General de Tráfico aconseja prudencia en las carreteras este fin de semana.

    Indicate, suggest something to someone: the General Directorate of traffic advises caution on the roads this weekend.

  • prnl. Tomar consejo o pedirlo a otro.♦ Se construye con las preps. de y con: es conveniente que te aconsejes de/con un buen abogado.

    prnl. Taking advice or asking someone else, ♦ it's built with preps. and with: you may want to advise/with a good lawyer.

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