ablandar- soften: význam, definície a preklady

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Čo je ablandar? ablandar je soften

Čo je soften?

  • tr. y prnl. Poner blando o disminuir la dureza de algo: el calor ablanda el asfalto; la cera se ablanda con el calor.

    Tr. and prnl. Put soft or decrease the hardness of something: the heat softens the asphalt; the wax softens with the heat.

  • Suavizar, conmover a alguien o mitigar su enfado: le ablandaron sus súplicas.

    Softening, moving someone, or mitigating their anger: they softened their pleas.

  • Laxar, suavizar algo: el agua caliente ablanda el vientre.

    Laxar, soften something: hot water softens the belly.

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