abatido-shot dead: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is abatido? abatido is shot dead

What is shot dead?

  • adj. Que ha perdido el ánimo, la fuerza o la energía: su enfermedad le dejó completamente abatido.

    adj. That he has lost his spirit, strength or energy: his illness left him completely dejected.

  • arquit. Véase arco abatido .

    arquit. See bow downed.

  • tr. Derribar, bajar, tumbar: abatir una fortaleza.

    Tr. To knock down, to go down, to knock down: to bring down a fortress.

  • Hacer que baje una cosa: abatir la bandera.

    Make one thing come down: bring down the flag.

  • Inclinar o colocar en posición horizontal: abatir la hamaca para poder dormir.

    Tilt or place in a horizontal position: fold the hammock to sleep.

  • Desarmar o descomponer algo: abatir la tienda de campaña.

    Disassemble or decompose something: tear down the tent.

  • tr. y prnl. Humillar: le abatieron sus insultos.

    Tr. and PRNL. Humiliate: he was beaten down by his insults.

  • Perder o hacer perder el ánimo, la fuerza o la energía: aquella desgracia le abatió mucho.

    Losing or losing courage, strength or energy: that misfortune struck him down a lot.

  • intr. mar. Desviarse el barco de su rumbo: abatir a la izquierda.

    intr. sea. Divert the ship from its course: shoot down to the left.

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