withdrawal: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un withdrawal?

  • The act or process of withdrawing, as: A retreat or retirement: the dinner guests' withdrawal to the den. The removal of people from a place, as in the removal of troops from a military position. Detachment, as from social or emotional involvement. A removal of something that has been deposited, as in an account.
  • Discontinuance of the use of a drug or other substance, especially one that is addictive. The physiological and mental reaction to such discontinuance, often characterized by distressing symptoms: is going through withdrawal from opioids.
  • Informal A condition likened to that which is experienced when discontinuing use of an addictive substance: has been going through withdrawal since his favorite show ended.
  • The act or an instance of retracting or revoking: feared the withdrawal of his parents' permission.
  • Coitus interruptus.