valve: betekenis en definities

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What is valve?

  • Anatomy A membranous structure in a hollow organ or passage, as in an artery or vein, that folds or closes to prevent the return flow of the body fluid passing through it.
  • Any of various devices that regulate the flow of gases, liquids, or loose materials through piping or through apertures by opening, closing, or obstructing ports or passageways.
  • The movable control element of such a device.
  • Music A device in a brass wind instrument that permits change in pitch by a rapid varying of the air column in a tube.
  • Biology One of the paired, hinged shells of certain mollusks and of brachiopods.
  • Biology One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.
  • Biology The entire, one-piece shell of a snail and certain other mollusks.
  • Botany One of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits.
  • Botany A lidlike covering of an anther.
  • Chiefly British An electron tube or a vacuum tube.
  • Archaic Either half of a double or folding door.
  • To provide with a valve.
  • To control by means of a valve.