trash: significado e definições

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O que é trash?

O que é trash?

  • Worthless or discarded material or objects; refuse or rubbish.
  • Something broken off or removed to be discarded, especially plant trimmings.
  • The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.
  • A place or receptacle where rubbish is discarded: threw the wrapper in the trash.
  • Empty words or ideas.
  • Worthless or offensive literary or artistic material.
  • Disparaging, often abusive speech about a person or group.
  • A person or group of people regarded as worthless or contemptible.
  • Slang To throw away; discard: trashed the broken toaster.
  • Slang To wreck or destroy by or as if by vandalism; reduce to trash or ruins.
  • Slang To beat up; assault.
  • Slang To subject to scathing criticism or abuse; attack verbally: "The ... professor trashes conservative ... proposals as well as liberal nostrums” ( Michael Marien).
  • To remove twigs or branches from.
  • To cut off the outer leaves of (growing sugar cane).

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