time: значение и определения

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Что такое time?

  • A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
  • An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration: a long time since the last war; passed the time reading.
  • A number, as of years, days, or minutes, representing such an interval: ran the course in a time just under four minutes.
  • A similar number representing a specific point on this continuum, reckoned in hours and minutes: checked her watch and recorded the time, 6:17 A.M.
  • A system by which such intervals are measured or such numbers are reckoned: solar time.
  • An interval, especially a span of years, marked by similar events, conditions, or phenomena; an era. Often used in the plural: hard times; a time of troubles.
  • The present with respect to prevailing conditions and trends: You must change with the times.
  • A suitable or opportune moment or season: a time for taking stock of one's life.
  • Periods or a period designated for a given activity: harvest time; time for bed.
  • Periods or a period necessary or available for a given activity: I have no time for golf.
  • A period at one's disposal: Do you have time for a chat?
  • An appointed or fated moment, especially of death or giving birth: He died before his time. Her time is near.
  • One of several instances: knocked three times; addressed Congress for the last time before retirement.
  • Used to indicate the number of instances by which something is multiplied or divided: This tree is three times taller than that one. My library is many times smaller than hers.
  • One's lifetime.
  • One's period of greatest activity or engagement.
  • A person's experience during a specific period or on a certain occasion: had a good time at the party.
  • A period of military service.
  • A period of apprenticeship.
  • Informal A prison sentence.
  • The customary period of work: hired for full time.
  • The period spent working.
  • The hourly pay rate: earned double time on Sundays.
  • The period during which a radio or television program or commercial is broadcast: "There's television time to buy” ( Brad Goldstein).
  • The rate of speed of a measured activity: marching in double time.