thumb: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un thumb?

  • The short thick digit of the human hand, next to the index finger and opposable to each of the other four digits.
  • A corresponding digit in other animals, especially primates. Also called pollex.
  • The part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb.
  • Architecture An ovolo.
  • To scan (written matter) by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb.
  • To disarrange, soil, or wear by careless or frequent handling.
  • Informal To solicit (a ride) from a passing vehicle by signaling with the thumb.
  • To scan written matter by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb: thumbed through the latest issue of the magazine.
  • Informal To hitchhike.
  • all thumbs Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.
  • thumb (one's) nose To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.
  • thumbs down An expression of rejection, refusal, or disapproval.
  • thumbs up An expression of approval, success, or hope.
  • under (one's) thumb Under the control of someone; subordinate to.