tear: betydning og definisjoner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hva er tear?

  • To pull apart or into pieces by force; rend.
  • To make (an opening) by ripping: tore a hole in my stocking.
  • To lacerate (the skin, for example).
  • To separate forcefully; wrench: tore the wrappings off the present.
  • To divide or disrupt: was torn between opposing choices; a country that was torn by strife.
  • To become torn.
  • To move with heedless speed; rush headlong.
  • The act of tearing.
  • The result of tearing; a rip or rent.
  • A great rush; a hurry.
  • Slang A carousal; a spree.
  • tear around Informal To move about in excited, often angry haste.
  • tear around Informal To lead a wild life.
  • tear at To pull at or attack violently: The dog tore at the meat.
  • tear at To distress greatly: Their plight tore at his heart.
  • tear away To remove (oneself, for example) unwillingly or reluctantly.
  • tear down To demolish: tear down old tenements.
  • tear down To take apart; disassemble: tear down an engine.
  • tear down To vilify or denigrate.
  • tear into To attack with great vigor or violence: tore into the food; tore into his opponent.
  • tear off Informal To produce hurriedly and casually: tearing off article after news article.
  • tear up To tear to pieces.
  • tear up To make an opening in: tore up the sidewalk to add a drain.
  • tear (one's) hair To be greatly upset or distressed.
  • A drop of the clear salty liquid that is secreted by the lachrymal gland of the eye to lubricate the surface between the eyeball and eyelid and to wash away irritants.