tarnishes: význam a definície

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Čo je tarnishes?

  • To dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt: Being in the ground for so long tarnished the old coins.
  • To detract from or spoil: a tasteless meal that tarnished an otherwise pleasant evening. To bring disgrace to; sully: a scandal that tarnished his reputation.
  • To lose luster; become discolored: a metal that tarnishes quickly.
  • To become less enjoyable or estimable: Her admiration for the movie's producer quickly tarnished.
  • The condition of being tarnished: no sign of tarnish on the frame.
  • A film or layer of discoloration on a metal surface caused by corrosion or oxidation.
  • The condition of being disgraced or made less estimable: the tarnish on his reputation.