table: znaczenie i definicje

AngielskiWpisz słowo

Co jest table?

  • The company of people assembled around a table, as for a meal.
  • An article of furniture supported by one or more vertical legs and having a flat horizontal surface.
  • The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.
  • The food and drink served at meals; fare: kept an excellent table.
  • Games A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface, as for faro, roulette, or dice. Often used in the plural.
  • Games Either of the leaves of a backgammon board.
  • Obsolete Games The game of backgammon.
  • A plateau or tableland.
  • A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone.
  • A stone or gem cut in this fashion.
  • Music The front part of the body of a stringed instrument.
  • Music The sounding board of a harp.
  • Architecture A raised or sunken rectangular panel on a wall.
  • Architecture A raised horizontal surface or continuous band on an exterior wall; a stringcourse.
  • A part of the human palm framed by four lines, analyzed in palmistry.
  • An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular form.
  • An abbreviated list, as of contents; a synopsis.
  • An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.
  • Anatomy The inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe.
  • A system of laws or decrees; a code: the tables of Moses.
  • To put or place on a table.
  • To postpone consideration of (a piece of legislation, for example); shelve.
  • To enter in a list or table; tabulate.
  • on the table Up for discussion: Her new offer is on the table.
  • on the table Put aside for consideration at a later date.