stop: betydning og definisjoner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hva er stop?

  • To close (an opening or hole) by covering, filling in, or plugging up: The tea leaves stopped the drain.
  • To constrict (an opening or orifice): My nose is stopped up.
  • To obstruct or block passage on (a road, for example).
  • To prevent the flow or passage of: stop supplies from getting through.
  • To halt the motion or progress of: stopped me and asked directions.
  • To block or deflect (a blow, for example); parry or ward off.
  • To be or get in the way of (a bullet or other missile); be killed or wounded by.
  • To cause to desist or to change a course of action: stopped us from continuing the argument.
  • To prevent or restrain: stopped him from going.
  • To discontinue or cease: He stopped his complaining.
  • To defeat (an opponent or opposing team).
  • To defeat in boxing by a knockout or technical knockout.
  • To order a bank to withhold payment of: stopped the check.
  • Music To press down (a string on a stringed instrument) on the fingerboard to produce a desired pitch.
  • Music To close (a hole on a wind instrument) with the finger in sounding a desired pitch.
  • To cease moving, progressing, acting, or operating; come to a halt: The clock stopped in the night.
  • To put an end to what one is doing; cease: had to stop at an exciting place in the book.
  • To interrupt one's course or journey for a brief visit or stay. Often used with by, in, or off: stop by at a friend's house; stop in at the office; stop off at the gas station.
  • The act of stopping or the condition of being stopped; cessation.
  • A finish; an end.
  • A stay or visit, as one taken during a trip.
  • A place at which someone or something stops: a regular stop on my paper route; a bus stop.
  • A device or means that obstructs, blocks, or plugs up.
  • An order given to a bank to withhold payment on a check.
  • A part in a mechanism that stops or regulates movement.