stoop: значение и определения

АнглийскийВведите слово

Что такое stoop?

  • To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back: had to stoop in order to fit into the cave.
  • To walk or stand, especially habitually, with the head and upper back bent forward.
  • To bend or sag downward.
  • To lower or debase oneself.
  • To descend from a superior position; condescend.
  • To yield; submit.
  • To swoop down, as a bird in pursuing its prey.
  • To bend (the head or body) forward and down.
  • To debase; humble.
  • The act of stooping.
  • A forward bending of the head and upper back, especially when habitual.
  • An act of self-abasement or condescension.
  • A descent, as of a bird of prey.
  • Chiefly Northeastern U.S. A small porch, platform, or staircase leading to the entrance of a house or building.
  • Variant of stoup.