spindle: significado e definições

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O que é spindle?

  • A rod or pin, tapered at one end and usually weighted at the other, on which fibers are spun by hand into thread and then wound.
  • A similar rod or pin used for spinning on a spinning wheel.
  • A pin or rod holding a bobbin or spool on which thread is wound on an automated spinning machine.
  • Any of various mechanical parts that revolve or serve as axes for larger revolving parts, as in a lock, axle, phonograph turntable, or lathe.
  • Any of various long thin stationary rods, as:
  • A spike on which papers may be impaled.
  • A baluster.
  • Biology The spindle-shaped achromatic structure, composed of microtubules, along which the chromosomes are distributed in mitosis and meiosis.
  • Coastal New Jersey See dragonfly. See Regional Note at dragonfly.
  • To furnish or equip with a spindle or spindles.
  • To impale or perforate on a spindle: Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate this card.
  • To grow into a thin, elongated, or weak form.