

什么是 sniff

  • To inhale a short, audible breath through the nose, as in smelling something.
  • To sniffle.
  • To use the sense of smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed at the jar to see what it held.
  • To regard something in a contemptuous or dismissive manner: The critics sniffed at the adaptation of the novel to film.
  • Informal To pry; snoop: The reporters came sniffing around for more details.
  • To inhale forcibly through the nose: sniffed the cool morning air.
  • To smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed the lilacs; sniffed the breeze for traces of smoke.
  • To perceive or detect by or as if by sniffing: dogs that sniffed out the trail through the snow; sniffed trouble ahead.
  • To utter in a contemptuous or haughty manner: The countess sniffed her disapproval.
  • An instance or the sound of sniffing.
  • Something sniffed or perceived by or as if by sniffing; a whiff: a sniff of perfume; a sniff of scandal.