slush: betekenis en definities

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What is slush?

  • Partially melted snow or ice.
  • Soft mud; slop; mire.
  • Nautical Grease or fat discarded from a ship's galley.
  • A greasy compound used as a lubricant for machinery.
  • Maudlin speech or writing; sentimental drivel.
  • A drink made of flavored syrup poured over crushed ice.
  • Informal Unsolicited manuscripts submitted to a publisher.
  • To daub (machinery) with slush.
  • To fill (joints in masonry) with mortar.
  • Nautical To wash down (a deck) by splashing with water.
  • To splash or soak with slush or mud.
  • To walk or proceed through slush.
  • To make a splashing or slushy sound.