slide: significato e definizioni

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Cos'è slide?

  • A playground apparatus for children to slide on, typically consisting of a smooth chute mounted by means of a ladder.
  • To move over a surface while maintaining smooth continuous contact.
  • To coast on a slippery surface, such as ice or snow.
  • To pass smoothly and quietly; glide: slid past the door without anyone noticing.
  • To go unattended or unacted upon: Let the matter slide.
  • To lose a secure footing or positioning; shift out of place; slip: slid on the ice and fell.
  • To move downward: Prices began to slide.
  • To return to a less favorable or less worthy condition.
  • Baseball To drop down and skid into a base to avoid being put out.
  • To cause to slide or slip: slid the glass down to the other end of the counter.
  • To place covertly or deftly: slid the stolen merchandise into his pocket.
  • A sliding movement or action.
  • A smooth surface or track for sliding, usually inclined: a water slide.
  • A part that operates by sliding, as the U-shaped section of tube on a trombone that is moved to change the pitch.
  • An image on a transparent base for projection on a screen.
  • A small glass plate for mounting specimens to be examined under a microscope.
  • A fall of a mass of rock, earth, or snow down a slope; an avalanche or landslide.
  • Music A slight portamento used in violin playing, passing quickly from one note to another.
  • Music An ornamentation consisting of two grace notes approaching the main note.
  • Music A small metal or glass tube worn over a finger or held in the hand, used in playing bottleneck-style guitar.
  • Music The bottleneck style of guitar playing.