shoot: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


shoot คืออะไร

  • To hit, wound, or kill with a missile fired from a weapon.
  • To remove or destroy by firing or projecting a missile: shot out the window.
  • To make (a hole, for example) by firing a weapon.
  • To fire or let fly (a missile) from a weapon.
  • To discharge (a weapon).
  • To detonate or cause to explode: shot off a firecracker.
  • To inject (a drug, for example) with a hypodermic syringe.
  • To throw out or release (a fishing line, for example).
  • To send forth suddenly, intensely, or swiftly: The burning building shot sparks onto the adjacent roof. He shot an angry look at me.
  • To emit (a ray or rays of light or another form of energy).
  • To utter (sounds or words) forcefully, rapidly, or suddenly: She shot a retort to the insult.
  • Slang To give, send, or hand quickly: Shoot me that stapler.
  • Informal To spend, use up, or waste: They shot their savings on a new boat.
  • To pass over or through swiftly: shooting the rapids.
  • To cover (country) in hunting for game.
  • To record on film: shot the scene in one take.
  • To cause to project or protrude; extend: shot out her arm to prevent the bottle from falling.
  • To begin to grow or produce; put forth.
  • To pour, empty out, or discharge down or as if down a chute: shot gravel into the hole.
  • Sports & Games To throw or propel (a ball, marble, or other projectile in a game) in a specific direction or toward the objective.
  • Sports & Games To accomplish (the objective) of a game involving a projectile; score (a point, basket, or goal).
  • Sports & Games To play (a game involving projectiles, such as golf or pool).
  • Sports & Games To attain (a given score) in golf.
  • Sports & Games To play (a game involving dice, especially craps).
  • Sports & Games To throw (the dice or a given score) in craps.