sharp: significado e definições

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O que é sharp?

O que é sharp?

  • Having a thin edge or a fine point suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing.
  • Having clear form and detail: a sharp photographic image.
  • Terminating in an edge or a point: sharp angular cliffs; a sharp nose.
  • Clearly and distinctly set forth: sharp contrasts in behavior.
  • Abrupt or acute: a sharp drop; a sharp turn.
  • Intellectually penetrating; astute.
  • Marked by keenness and accuracy of perception: sharp hearing.
  • Crafty or deceitful, as in business dealings: sharp selling practices.
  • Vigilant; alert: kept a sharp lookout for shoplifters.
  • Briskly or keenly cold and cutting: a sharp wind.
  • Harsh or biting in tone or character: sharp criticism.
  • Fierce or impetuous; violent: a sharp temper; a sharp assault.
  • Intense; severe: a sharp pain.
  • Sudden and shrill: a sharp whistle.
  • Sudden and brilliant or dazzling: a sharp flash of lightning.
  • Strongly affecting the senses of smell and taste: a sharp pungent odor; a sharp cheese.
  • Composed of hard angular particles: sharp sand.
  • Music Raised in pitch by a semitone.
  • Music Being above the proper pitch.
  • Music Having the key signature in sharps.
  • Informal Attractive or stylish: a sharp jacket. See Synonyms at fashionable.
  • In a sharp manner: hit me sharp on the brow.
  • Punctually; exactly: at three o'clock sharp.
  • Music Above the true or proper pitch.
  • Music A sign (♯) used to indicate that a note is to be raised by a half step.

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