security: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


security คืออะไร

  • Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.
  • Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack.
  • Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
  • Something that gives or assures safety, as:
  • A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts suspicious.
  • Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglary or assault: Security was lax at the firm's smaller plant.
  • Measures adopted to prevent escape: Security in the prison is very tight.
  • Something deposited or given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation; a pledge.
  • One who undertakes to fulfill the obligation of another; a surety.
  • A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.