secure: znaczenie i definicje

AngielskiWpisz słowo

Co jest secure?

Co jest secure?

  • Free from danger or attack: a secure fortress.
  • Free from risk of loss; safe: Her papers were secure in the vault.
  • Free from the risk of being intercepted or listened to by unauthorized persons: Only one telephone line in the embassy was secure.
  • Free from fear, anxiety, or doubt.
  • Not likely to fail or give way; stable: a secure stepladder.
  • Firmly fastened: a secure lock.
  • Reliable; dependable: secure investments.
  • Assured; certain: With three goals in the first period they had a secure victory, but somehow they lost.
  • Archaic Careless or overconfident.
  • To guard from danger or risk of loss: The troops secured the area before the civilians were allowed to return.
  • To make firm or tight; fasten. See Synonyms at fasten.
  • To make certain; ensure: The speaker could not secure the goodwill of the audience.
  • To guarantee payment of (a loan, for example).
  • To guarantee payment to (a creditor).
  • To get possession of; acquire: secured a job.
  • To capture or confine: They secured the suspect in the squad car.
  • To bring about; effect: secured release of the hostages.
  • To protect or ensure the privacy or secrecy of (a telephone line, for example).

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