

什么是 section

什么是 section

  • One of several components; a piece.
  • A subdivision of a written work.
  • Law A division of a statute or code.
  • A distinct portion of a newspaper: the sports section.
  • A distinct area of a town, county, or country: a residential section.
  • A land unit equal to one square mile (2.59 square kilometers), 640 acres, or 1/36 of a township.
  • The act or process of separating or cutting, especially the surgical cutting or dividing of tissue.
  • A thin slice, as of tissue, suitable for microscopic examination.
  • A segment of a fruit, especially a citrus fruit.
  • Representation of a solid object as it would appear if cut by an intersecting plane, so that the internal structure is displayed.
  • Music A group of instruments or voices in the same class considered as a division of a band, orchestra, or choir: the rhythm section; the woodwind section.
  • A class or discussion group of students taking the same course: She taught three sections of English composition.
  • A portion of railroad track maintained by a single crew.
  • An area in a train's sleeping car containing an upper and lower berth.
  • An army tactical unit smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.
  • A unit of vessels or aircraft within a division of armed forces.
  • One of two or more vehicles, such as a bus or train, given the same route and schedule, often used to carry extra passengers.
  • The character (§) used in printing to mark the beginning of a section.
  • This character used as the fourth in a series of reference marks for footnotes.
  • To separate or divide into parts.
  • To cut or divide (tissue) surgically.
  • To shade or crosshatch (part of a drawing) to indicate sections.

