script: significado y definiciones

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Qué es script?

Qué es script?

  • Handwriting.
  • A style of writing with cursive characters.
  • A particular system of writing: cuneiform script.
  • Printing A style of type that imitates handwriting.
  • Printing The matter set in this type.
  • The text of a play, broadcast, or movie.
  • A copy of a text used by a director or performer.
  • Law An original document.
  • Computer Science A simple program in a utility language or an application's proprietary language.
  • To prepare (a text) for filming or broadcasting.
  • To orchestrate (behavior or an event, for example) as if writing a script: "the brilliant, charming, judicial moderate scripted by his White House fans” ( Ellen Goodman).

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