sample: znaczenie i definicje

AngielskiWpisz słowo

Co jest sample?

  • A portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole.
  • An entity that is representative of a class; a specimen. See Synonyms at example.
  • Statistics A set of elements drawn from and analyzed to estimate the characteristics of a population. Also called sampling.
  • A usually digitized audio segment taken from an original recording and inserted, often repetitively, in a new recording.
  • To take a sample of, especially to test or examine by a sample: the restaurant critic who must sample a little of everything.
  • To use or incorporate (an audio segment of an original recording) in a new recording: a song that samples the bass line of a 1970s disco tune.
  • Serving as a representative or example: sample test questions; a sample piece of fabric.