sacked: significado e definições

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O que é sacked?

  • A bag, especially one made of strong material for holding grain or objects in bulk. The amount that a sack can hold: sold two sacks of rice.
  • also A short loose-fitting garment for women and children.
  • Slang Dismissal from employment: finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude.
  • Informal A bed, mattress, or sleeping bag: hit the sack at 10:00.
  • Baseball A base.
  • Football A successful attempt at sacking the quarterback.
  • To place into a sack: sacked the groceries.
  • Slang To discharge from employment: sacked the workers who were caught embezzling. See Synonyms at dismiss.
  • Football To tackle (a quarterback attempting to pass the ball) behind the line of scrimmage.