sore-боль: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

İngilizce sözlük%dictionary_xs%Rusça

sore nedir?sore боль anlamına gelmektedir

боль nedir?

  • Painful to the touch; tender.
    Болезненный на ощупь; нежный.
  • Feeling physical pain; hurting: sore all over.
    Чувство физической боли; боль: боль во всем.
  • Causing misery, sorrow, or distress; grievous: in sore need.
    Причинение страданий, печали или страданий; тяжкий: в больной нужде.
  • Causing embarrassment or irritation: a sore subject.
    Вызывая смущение или раздражение: больной предмет.
  • Full of distress; sorrowful.
  • Informal Angry; offended.
  • An open skin lesion, wound, or ulcer.
  • A source of pain, distress, or irritation.
  • To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait in the animal.
  • Archaic Sorely.