royal: betekenis en definities

EngelsTyp een woord

What is royal?

  • Of or relating to a monarch.
  • Of the rank of a monarch.
  • Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom.
  • Issued or performed by a monarch: a royal warrant; a royal visit.
  • Founded, chartered, or authorized by a monarch: a royal society of musicians.
  • Befitting royalty; stately: royal treatment.
  • Superior, as in size or quality.
  • Used as an intensive: "It would be a first-class royal mess” ( Sam Nunn).
  • Informal A member of a monarch's family: "Among the resort's distinguished visitors are Swedish and Spanish royals” ( Alistair Scott).
  • Nautical A sail set on the royalmast.
  • A paper size, 20 by 25 inches for printing, 19 by 24 inches for writing.
  • the royal road A way or method that presents no difficulties: the royal road to success.