ring: znaczenie i definicje

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Co jest ring?

  • A circular object, form, line, or arrangement with a vacant circular center.
  • A small circular band, generally made of precious metal and often set with jewels, worn on the finger.
  • A circular band used for carrying, holding, or containing something: a napkin ring.
  • Sports A pair of circular metal bands suspended in the air for gymnastic exercises, on which balancing and swinging maneuvers are performed while holding the bands as motionless as possible.
  • A circular movement or course, as in dancing.
  • An enclosed, usually circular area in which exhibitions, sports, or contests take place: a circus ring.
  • Sports A rectangular arena set off by stakes and ropes in which boxing or wrestling events are held.
  • Sports The sport of boxing.
  • Games An enclosed area in which bets are placed at a racetrack.
  • Games Bookmakers considered as a group.
  • An exclusive group of people acting privately or illegally to advance their own interests: a drug ring.
  • A political contest; a race.
  • Botany An annual ring.
  • Mathematics The area between two concentric circles; annulus.
  • Mathematics A set of elements subject to the operations of addition and multiplication, in which the set is an abelian group under addition and associative under multiplication and in which the two operations are related by distributive laws.
  • Any of the turns constituting a spiral or helix.
  • Chemistry A group of atoms linked by bonds that may be represented graphically in circular or triangular form. Also called closed chain.
  • To surround with or as if with a ring; encircle. See Synonyms at surround.
  • To form into a ring or rings.
  • To ornament or supply with a ring or rings: ringed the door knocker with a wreath of holly.
  • To remove a circular strip of bark around the circumference of (a tree trunk or branch); girdle.
  • To put a ring in the nose of (an animal).
  • To hem in (animals) by riding in a circle around them.
  • Games To toss a ring over (a peg), as in horseshoes.
  • To form a ring or rings.