reference: význam a definície

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Čo je reference?

  • An act of referring: filed away the article for future reference.
  • Significance in a specified context: Her speeches have special reference to environmental policy.
  • Meaning or denotation.
  • The state of being related or referred: with reference to; in reference to.
  • A mention of an occurrence or situation: made frequent references to her promotion.
  • A note in a publication referring the reader to another passage or source.
  • The passage or source so referred to.
  • A work frequently used as a source.
  • A mark or footnote used to direct a reader elsewhere for additional information.
  • Law Submission of a case to a referee.
  • Law Legal actions conducted before or by a referee.
  • A person who is in a position to recommend another or to vouch for his or her fitness, as for a job.
  • A statement about a person's qualifications, character, and dependability.
  • To supply references to: "Our memories are addressed and referenced . . . by significant fragments of their own content” ( Frederick Turner).
  • To mention in a reference; refer to: He referenced her book in his speech. See Usage Note at allude.