rattle: Bedeutung und Definitionen

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Was heißt rattle?

  • To make or emit a quick succession of short percussive sounds.
  • To move with such sounds: A train rattled along the track.
  • To talk rapidly and at length, usually without much thought: rattled on about this and that.
  • To cause to make a quick succession of short percussive sounds: rattled the dishes in the kitchen.
  • To utter or perform rapidly or effortlessly: rattled off a list of complaints.
  • Informal To fluster; unnerve: The accident rattled me. See Synonyms at embarrass.
  • A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.
  • A device, such as a baby's toy, that produces short percussive sounds.
  • A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.
  • The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail.
  • Loud or rapid talk; chatter.
  • To secure ratlines to (shrouds).