rams: pengertian dan definisi

InggrisKetik sebuah kata

Apa itu rams?

  • A male sheep.
  • Any of several devices used to drive, batter, or crush by forceful impact, especially: A battering ram. The weight that drops in a pile driver or steam hammer. The plunger or piston of a force pump or hydraulic press.
  • A hydraulic ram.
  • A projection on the prow of a warship, used to batter or cut into enemy vessels. A ship having such a projection.
  • See Aries.
  • To strike or drive against with a heavy impact; butt: rammed the door with a sledgehammer until it broke open.
  • To force or press into place.
  • To cram; stuff: rammed the clothes into the suitcase.
  • To force passage or acceptance of: rammed the project through the city council despite local opposition.