radiate: betydelser og definitioner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hvad er radiate?

  • To send out rays or waves.
  • To issue or emerge in rays or waves: Heat radiated from the stove.
  • To extend in straight lines from or toward a center; diverge or converge like rays: Spokes radiate from a wheel hub.
  • Ecology To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.
  • To emit (light, for example) in or as if in rays.
  • To send or spread out from or as if from a center: a cactus that radiates spines.
  • To irradiate or illuminate (an object).
  • To manifest in a glowing manner: a leader who radiates confidence.
  • Botany Having rays or raylike parts, as in the flower heads of daisies.
  • Biology Characterized by radial symmetry.
  • Surrounded with rays: a radiate head on a coin.