quieting: significado e definições

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O que é quieting?

  • Making or characterized by little or no noise: a quiet library; a quiet street; a quiet, well tuned engine.
  • Free of turmoil and agitation; calm: a quiet lake; a quiet place in the country. Providing or allowing relaxation; restful; soothing: a quiet afternoon nap; a quiet tune on the flute.
  • Not showy or bright; subdued: a room decorated in quiet colors.
  • Restrained, as in style; understated: a quiet strength; a quiet life.
  • Out of public scrutiny; known or discussed by few: wanted to keep the incident quiet until after the election.
  • To cause to become quiet: The teacher quieted the students.
  • To make (a title) secure by freeing from uncertainties or adverse claims as to the ownership.