pull: المعنى والتعريفات

الإنكليزيةاكتب كلمة

ما معنىpull؟

  • To apply force to so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the source of the force.
  • To remove from a fixed position; extract: The dentist pulled the tooth.
  • To tug at; jerk or tweak.
  • To rip or tear; rend.
  • To stretch (taffy, for example) repeatedly.
  • To strain (a muscle, for example) injuriously.
  • Informal To attract; draw: a performer who pulls large crowds.
  • Slang To draw out (a weapon) in readiness for use: pull a gun; pulled a knife on me.
  • Informal To remove: pulled the engine; pulled the tainted meat product from the stores.
  • Sports To hit (a ball) so that it moves in the direction away from the dominant hand of the player propelling it, as to the left of a right-handed player.
  • Nautical To operate (an oar) in rowing.
  • Nautical To transport or propel by rowing.
  • Nautical To be rowed by: That boat pulls six oars.
  • To rein in (a horse) to keep it from winning a race.
  • Printing To produce (a print or an impression) from type.
  • To exert force in moving something toward the source of the force.
  • To drink or inhale deeply: pulled on the cold beer with gusto; pull on a cigarette.
  • Nautical To row a boat.
  • Informal To express or feel great sympathy or empathy: We're pulling for our new president.
  • The act or process of pulling.
  • Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.
  • A sustained effort: a long pull across the mountains.
  • Something, such as a knob on a drawer, that is used for pulling.
  • A deep inhalation or draft, as on a cigarette or of a beverage.
  • Slang A means of gaining special advantage; influence: The lobbyist has pull with the senator.