celestial-celestial: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is celestial? celestial is celestial

What is celestial?

  • Of or relating to the sky or the heavens: Planets are celestial bodies.

    De ou relacionados com o céu ou céus: planetas são corpos celestes.

  • Of or relating to heaven; divine: celestial beings.

    Ou relacionados com o céu; divino: os seres celestiais.

  • Supremely good; sublime: celestial happiness.

    Extremamente bom; sublime: felicidade celestial.

  • Of or relating to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire.

    De ou se relacionando com o povo chinês ou com o antigo Império Chinês.

  • A heavenly being; a god or angel.

    Um ser celestial; um deus ou anjo.

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