pound: значение и определения

АнглийскийВведите слово

Что такое pound?

  • A unit of weight equal to 16 ounces (453.592 grams).
  • A unit of apothecary weight equal to 12 ounces (373.242 grams). See Table at measurement.
  • A unit of weight differing in various countries and times.
  • A British unit of force equal to the weight of a standard one-pound mass where the local acceleration of gravity is 9.817 meters (32.174 feet) per second per second.
  • The basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom, worth 20 shillings or 240 old pence before the decimalization of 1971. Also called pound sterling.
  • See Table at currency.
  • The primary unit of currency in Ireland before the adoption of the euro.
  • A monetary unit of Scotland before the Act of Union (1707). Also called pound scots.
  • The pound key on a telephone.
  • To strike repeatedly and forcefully. See Synonyms at beat.
  • To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush.
  • To instill by persistent, emphatic repetition: pounded knowledge into the students' heads.
  • To assault with heavy gunfire.
  • To strike vigorous, repeated blows: He pounded on the table.
  • To move along heavily and noisily: The children pounded up the stairs.
  • To pulsate rapidly and heavily; throb: My heart pounded.
  • To move or work laboriously: a ship that pounded through heavy seas.
  • A heavy blow.
  • The sound of a heavy blow; a thump.
  • The act of pounding.
  • pound the pavement Slang To travel the streets on foot, especially in search of work.
  • A public enclosure for the confinement of stray dogs or livestock.
  • A place in which impounded property is held until redeemed.
  • An enclosure in which animals or fish are trapped or kept.
  • A place of confinement for lawbreakers.