poors: значение и определения

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Что такое poors?

  • Having insufficient wealth to meet the necessities or comforts of life or to live in a manner considered acceptable in a society. Relating to or characterized by poverty: the poor side of town.
  • Deficient or lacking in a specified resource or quality: an area poor in timber and coal; a diet poor in calcium.
  • Not adequate in quality or quantity; inferior: a poor performance; poor wages.
  • Negative, unfavorable, or disapproving: has a poor opinion of the mayor.
  • Undernourished; lean. Used especially of animals.
  • Humble; meek:"Let the humble ones arise, the poor in heart be glad"(John Greenleaf Whittier).
  • Eliciting or deserving pity; pitiable: couldn't rescue the poor fellow.