play: значение и определения

АнглийскийВведите слово

Что такое play?

  • To occupy oneself in amusement, sport, or other recreation: children playing with toys.
  • To take part in a game: No minors are eligible to play.
  • To participate in betting; gamble.
  • To act in jest or sport: They're not arguing in earnest, they're just playing.
  • To deal or behave carelessly or indifferently; toy. See Synonyms at flirt.
  • To behave or converse sportively or playfully.
  • To act or conduct oneself in a specified way: play fair; an investor who plays cautiously.
  • To act, especially in a dramatic production.
  • Music To perform on an instrument: play on an accordion.
  • Music To emit sound or be sounded in performance: The band is playing.
  • To be performed, as in a theater or on television: A good movie is playing tonight.
  • To be received or accepted: a speech that played poorly with the voters.
  • To move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly: The breeze played on the water.
  • To function or discharge uninterruptedly: The fountains played in the courtyard.
  • To move or operate freely within a bounded space, as machine parts do.
  • To perform or act (a role or part) in a dramatic performance.
  • To assume the role of; act as: played the peacemaker at the meeting.
  • To perform (a theatrical work) on or as if on the stage.
  • To present a theatrical performance in (a given place): The company played Detroit last week.
  • To pretend to be; mimic the activities of: played cowboy; played the star.
  • To engage in (a game or sport): play hockey; play chess.
  • To compete against in a game or sport.
  • To occupy or work at (a position) in a game: Lou Gehrig played first base.
  • To employ (a player) in a game or position: Let's play her at first base.
  • To use or move (a card or piece) in a game: play the ace of clubs