pig: significado e definições

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O que é pig?

  • Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa domesticus, when young or of comparatively small size.
  • The edible parts of one of these mammals.
  • Informal A person regarded as being piglike, greedy, or gross.
  • A crude block of metal, chiefly iron or lead, poured from a smelting furnace.
  • A mold in which such metal is cast.
  • Pig iron.
  • Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a police officer.
  • Slang A member of the social or political establishment, especially one holding sexist or racist views.
  • To give birth to pigs; farrow.
  • pig out Slang To eat ravenously; gorge oneself: "a parent who asks a child, 'Would you like to pig out on pizza?'” ( George F. Will).
  • in a pig's eye Slang Under no condition; never.
  • pig in a poke Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value.
  • pig it Slang To live in a piglike fashion.