organic: значение и определения

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Что такое organic?

Что такое organic?

  • Of, relating to, or derived from living organisms: organic matter.
  • Of, relating to, or affecting a bodily organ: an organic disease.
  • Of, marked by, or involving the use of fertilizers or pesticides that are strictly of animal or vegetable origin: organic vegetables; an organic farm.
  • Raised or conducted without the use of drugs, hormones, or synthetic chemicals: organic chicken; organic cattle farming.
  • Serving organic food: an organic restaurant.
  • Simple, healthful, and close to nature: an organic lifestyle.
  • Having properties associated with living organisms.
  • Resembling a living organism in organization or development; interconnected: society as an organic whole.
  • Constituting an integral part of a whole; fundamental.
  • Law Denoting or relating to the fundamental or constitutional laws and precepts of a government or an organization.
  • Chemistry Of or designating carbon compounds.
  • A substance, especially a fertilizer or pesticide, of animal or vegetable origin.
  • Chemistry An organic compound.

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