opposite: znaczenie i definicje

AngielskiWpisz słowo

Co jest opposite?

  • Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other: opposite sides of a building.
  • Facing the other way; moving or tending away from each other: opposite directions.
  • Being the other of two complementary or mutually exclusive things: the opposite sex; an opposite role to the lead in the play.
  • Altogether different, as in nature, quality, or significance: The effect of the medication was opposite to that intended.
  • Sharply contrasting; antithetical: had opposite views on the subject.
  • Botany Growing in pairs on either side of a stem: opposite leaves.
  • One that is opposite or contrary to another.
  • An opponent or antagonist.
  • An antonym.
  • In an opposite position: They sat opposite at the table.
  • Across from or facing: parked the car opposite the bank.
  • In a complementary dramatic role to: He played opposite her.