office : अर्थ और परिभाषाएं

अंग्रेज़ीएक शब्द टाइप करें

office क्या हैं?

  • A place in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted.
  • The administrative personnel, executives, or staff working in such a place.
  • A duty or function assigned to or assumed by someone. See Synonyms at function.
  • A position of authority, duty, or trust given to a person, as in a government or corporation: the office of vice president.
  • A subdivision of a governmental department: the U.S. Patent Office.
  • A major executive division of a government: the British Home Office.
  • A public position: seek office.
  • Chiefly British The parts of a house, such as the laundry and kitchen, in which servants carry out household work.
  • A usually beneficial act performed for another. Often used in the plural.
  • Ecclesiastical A ceremony, rite, or service, usually prescribed by liturgy, especially:
  • Ecclesiastical The canonical hours.
  • Ecclesiastical A prayer service in the Anglican Church, such as Morning or Evening Prayer.
  • Ecclesiastical A ceremony, rite, or service for a special purpose, especially the Office of the Dead.